What is Erotic Photography?
How do I explain erotic photography?
How does anybody really?
The definition of erotic on google by the Oxford Languages is:
1. relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
To me this leaves very open definition. Everybody’s interpretation of erotic would be different. According to the Google definition of erotic is relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
I’m no clinical psychologist or psychoanalysis or anything of that matter but I do know that everybody’s interpretation of excitement desire or what they defined sexual or sex is different.
I recently was at Fetish Con in Saint Petersburg this year for their 20th anniversary. Which I had such a great time and I definitely recommend going if you’re in the area! (link to the Fetish Con website is https://fetishcon.com/)
I had someone come to me and asked for a compilation of my best erotic photos that I have. I asked for more guidance because I have such a wide variety of clients, and I already felt that everybody’s version of erotic is different. Here is an example of what I am trying to say - Imagine this- a picture of a woman, she is standing by the window, the soft light of morning daylight is hitting her curves while she is playing with your T-shirt on her. She is just exposing the panty line and looking up with you with eyes that say they want you to be closer to them, all they want is you in this world and they can’t be without you.
And here is where we go back to the Google definition of erotic which is relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement. Now the picture I just described is a classic one that I use for pretty much all of my clients in Boudoir. But per the Google definition this image will bring sexual desire or excitement to another person or even the model themselves. So, wouldn’t this picture be considered erotic also?
Another example is that every vendor was selling something different at fetish con. Now you have your basic flags or Floggers nipple decorations or anything like that that could be considered the same but the level of the item itself was different some was softer with either fuzzy things attached to it or colors with it and some ways hard with metal built into the item. Believe me I’m thinking of a lot of different things that I see during the convention which was so freaking cool but the point is even though they were selling some of the same things, there were still a vast variety of different items because everybody’s taste of erotic is different everybody’s version is different everybody’s level of kink or fetish is different; we all may have some of the same but our viewpoint we interpret it as it’s different.
So, when I stepped out of my boudoir comfort level and went for the more erotic side of the piece it was because it was more excepting of people and what their desires were I as a photographer I meant to capture that moment for the client for them to remember it forever as they see it.
Life is too damn short. I love what I do, seeing people’s reactions to the images I have captured, watching their faces as they see how beautiful they are, how I was able to capture that moment that they are passionate about, I fucking love it.